Chocolate Banana Chia Seed Pudding

Chocolate Banana Chia Seed Pudding

I know. I am totally obsessed. But there is just something about the chocolate-banana flavor combination that gets me every time. Next time I try this recipe I am going to add some peanut butter because I am sure that will bump this recipe to the next level. But in the meantime enjoy this delicious, vegan, you-won’t-believe-it’s-good-for-you dessert. Even my husband loves it and that says a lot!

Chia Seeds

Soaking Chia

Soaked ChiaChia seeds become gelatinous when soaked overnight which is the key element in making this a pudding. So be sure to soak your chia seeds the night before. Yes, it involves some planning but I have left chia seeds to soak in the fridge for 2 days before and they were still perfectly fine so don’t worry if you don’t feel like using them the next day….but I have a feeling that won’t be a problem once you try this recipe!Chia Seed Pudding

Chocolate Banana Chia Seed Pudding
1 tbsp white chia seeds
4-5 tablespoons coconut milk
1 frozen banana, in chunks
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 heaping tablespoon raw cacao powder

Combine chia seeds with 3 tablespoons coconut milk in a small jar or sealable container. Combine well, cover and let sit in the fridge overnight.

To make the pudding: In a Vitamix or blender, combine chia/cocounut milk gel. Add 1 tablespoon coconut milk and the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth, adding more coconut milk if needed. Taste and add more cacao or maple if desired.



Filed under Chia Seeds, Chocolate, Coconut, Uncategorized, Vegan

Rosemary White Bean Dip


I received a Vitamix for Christmas and I am OBSESSED. It is amazing. It is the most powerful blender I have ever used and it has become my go-to kitchen gadget. I have been making nut milks and pâtés, spreads and dips, soups and smoothies. Granted you don’t NEED a Vitamix to do all these things, but you would be astounded by how FAST you can do it with one in your kitchen! Anyway, as I said I have been making a lot of almond milk among other things which has resulted in a lot of almond pulp. I absolutely despise throwing food out especially if it can be used toward making something yummy. And I have found something really yummy to do with it!!

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Filed under Almond, Beans, Dip, Vegan

Flourless Chocolate Cookies


It’s amazing to think how much has happened in a year! This time last year my son was almost 5 months old.  His mobility was limited to a roll here and there and he could be entertained for hours on his swing or play-mat. I was up twice a night nursing wondering if I would ever sleep 8 hours straight again. We were living in a condo on the Plateau with our big kitchen and garage loving the action at our doorstep. My sister was newly engaged and we were about to embark on our first international trip with Bradley. Today our son sleeps 12 hours straight nightly but NOTHING holds his attention as long as a mobile used to and he wants to run everywhere he goes. We sold our condo with that amazing kitchen and now live in a semi-detached in TMR with no garage and a smaller kitchen but with a backyard, a basement, a fireplace and so much more.  My sister is happily married and Bradley has already been to Florida, Vermont, Mexico, Aruba and Curacao.

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Filed under Chocolate, Cookies, Dessert, Gluten Free

Chewy Spice Cookies

CookiesDecember has got to be the fastest month, despite its 31 days making January and February seem like forever with weeks of dark, cold and snow without a holiday in sight. It seems like just yesterday it was American Thanksgiving and now Christmas is less than one week away!! Fortunately this year I got out all my Christmas cards on time and most of my shopping is complete. Now we just have to survive the back to back parties over the next week with all the food and family and wine!  Oh and the WEATHER.


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Filed under Baking, Cookies, Dessert, Vegetarian

Spinach Casserole

This is not your traditional casserole. Ordinarily a casserole is made up of a meat, a starch and usually a rich, creamy sauce. They’re heavy in fat, carbohydrates and calories and sometimes that can be good, but sometimes it’s nice to have a healthier, warming meal that will feed my family for at least two days. This dish is lighter, healthier and vegetarian but it doesn’t TASTE like something is missing. I have used brown rice instead of noodles and in place of a bread crumb topping. Instead of a creamy sauce I have used eggs and ricotta. And instead of meat there is just a ton of healthy green veggies.

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Filed under Basil, Ricotta, Spinach, Vegetarian, Zucchini

Banana-Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting

Well after all the juicing I have been doing the last few days, I was craving something… less healthy. I hadn’t baked anything in quite a while and I was really missing it.  I have often spoken of my love for bananas here – in fact I have already posted my favorite recipes for banana “ice cream,” banana bread and banana muffins – so it’s only logical I chose to make banana-chocolate chip cupcakes.  When it came to selecting a frosting I knew there was only one choice: peanut butter . There is no better flavor combination than the banana – chocolate – peanut butter trifecta.  To quote my grandma, for whom English was a second language, it’s “heaven….in….mouth.”

I don’t give my son sugar often, but I couldn’t help sharing an unfrosted (he is too young yet for peanut butter and that much sugar) cupcake. Needless to say he ADORED it!

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Filed under Baking, Banana, Chocolate, Peanut Butter

Juicing Part Three: Beet Juice With A Twist

I want to use my juicer for more than just fruit juices, obviously. But the thought of drinking pure vegetable juice is a bit too much for me. So I am starting slowly. I already posted a delicious recipe with carrots everyone needs to try. Here is my favorite beet based juice so far. Hopefully as I juice more I will start to crave juices made only from vegetables but until then I need a little fruit to sweeten the mix. This juice is so good even my 15 month old son loves it! Especially when I give it to him with a straw 😉

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Filed under Beets, Juice, Vegetarian

Juicing Part Two: Chi-Spa

This AMAZING drink is part juice, part smoothie. The cinnamon, ginger and apple make this the perfect fall drink. It’s also a great way to slip the super-food chia seeds into your diet.

I made the almond milk the day before – something I recommend everyone do because it is easy and better for you than store bought. You must try this refreshing drink – it’s addictive!

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Filed under Apple, Chia Seeds, Juice, Vegetarian

Juicing Part One: Carrot Twist

 A few weeks ago I was sick. Real sick. I haven’t been this sick in 2 years. Sure I had small colds that gave me some discomfort, but this was one of those kill-me-now-my-throat-is-on-fire kinds of colds. What was I doing while trying to entertain a toddler with my foot dangling off the couch until it was time for both of our next naps? I was plotting how I could make sure this was NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN. Maybe it was the medicine, maybe it was a feverish dream but from the fog of sickness arose one single answer and it was JUICING. Continue reading


Filed under Apple, Carrot, Juice, Vegan, Vegetarian

White Beans with Rosemary, Sage and Fennel

Every other Thursday for the last several months I have been receiving a CSA basket.  I love supporting local organic farmers and it’s exciting to see what is fresh every week! Some have been better than others – the kohlrabi and turnip week was not a favorite one – but lately the fall harvest has yielded some amazingly fresh and varied produce. So every other Wednesday I need to prepare my fridge and home for these baskets. That means eating up as much stuff in the fridge to make room as possible and what cannot be eaten is cooked and frozen. Continue reading

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Filed under Beans, Fennel, Rosemary, Sage, Vegetarian